The Development Innovations and Policy Laboratory (DIP Lab), conducted as a project of the Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies (CSPPS) of the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf) in 2022, was formally institutionalized on September 26, 2024.
With funding from the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), DIP Lab was created to help transform research in the agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR) sector into innovative solutions for societal development.
In its first phase of implementation, DIP Lab was able to develop a policy data portal of AANR-related products, set up a learning facility, produce policy-relevant content, host co-creation activities such as the Polisiya, Pasya, Siyensya Policy Hackathon, and support other projects in their policy advocacy agenda.
One of its biggest accomplishments was the conduct of capacity-building activities in policy analysis and advocacy.
From small groups, DIP Lab’s stakeholders grew into a larger network that includes government agencies, academic and research institutions, and non-government organizations.
DIP Lab continued to expand its reach and impact, and the demand for its services followed suit, consequently leading to its formal institutionalization as DIP Lab Phase 2.
The institutionalization of DIP Lab was approved at the Joint Meeting of the UPLB Executive and Management Committees on June 24, 2024.
DIP Lab is now a sub-unit under the Center for Strategic Planning and Policy Studies of the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf), UPLB, through Memorandum No. 150, series of 2024, issued by the UPLB Office of the Chancellor.
Written by: Therese L. Quilnat